Random Acts of Encouragement | Virginia Wedding Photographer | Sarah Houston Photography
image courtesy of my incredibly talented best friend Bethanne Arthur, also one of my biggest cheerleaders<3 Love you Bethanne!!
When someone cheers me on....or simply just lets me know that I matter-it's honestly the best feeling in the world. It's like a big hug and lifts me up out of the funk of everyday life. So what if we all did that for one another. What if we just randomly picked someone each day and let them know how amazing they really are. I struggle y'all...my confidence can get beaten down into nothing...and it can be a lonely place when you are battling against yourself. Then one of my amazing colleagues will message me, comment on a photo or post something on my facebook wall-to let me know I'm doing it...that I am loved. Instantly my mood is lifted and the gloves are off...I can't beat myself up after that encouragement.
So I encourage YOU, the person reading this blog-to reach out to someone..it doesn't have to be everyday, but reach out to different people and let them know that they are fabulous. That they are amazing & that YOU think their work is gorgeous. Those random little acts of kindness might save that person from giving up....
Everyone is an artist in their own way, seeing and creating beauty in their own way. I'm going to take the challenge and start #randomactsofencouragement. It's time to lift one another up because we all deserve to feel special!